
Time, persistence and patience

Model kindness yourself. Children learn by example, so adults need to be kind and compassionate in their interactions with others. 

Encourage empathy. Help children understand what others are feeling by asking open-ended questions and encouraging them to put themselves in others' shoes.

Praise and reward kind behavior. When children are kind to others, acknowledge and praise their behavior.

Teach children to apologize and make amends. When children make mistakes, teach them to take responsibility for their actions and to make amends.

Provide opportunities for children to help others. Encourage children to participate in volunteer activities or to do acts of kindness for family members and friends. Talk about kindness with children.

Have regular conversations with children about what it means to be kind and how they can be kind to others.

Encourage children to practice mindfulness and self-compassion. Mindfulness and self-compassion can help children be more aware of their own feelings and the feelings of others, which can lead to greater empathy and kindness.

Involve children in activities that foster kindness and community. Activities such as gardening, cooking, sharing, and helping others can be a great way to encourage children to be kind and compassionate.

Remember that kindness is a habit; it takes time, patience, and persistence to develop. With these guidelines and consistent efforts, you can help children become kinder and more compassionate.